In-Game Rules
The rules below are the official rules of Cartax. Breaking of these rules may result in action taken against a player:
Hacking/Client Modifications:
Most types of client modifications are against Cartax policies to make our server a fun, and fair, place to play.
Here is a list of ACCEPTABLE modifications that are not punishable when used in our server:
Fulbright/night vision texture packs and add-ons
Cosmetic texture packs/resource packs that do not contain an x-ray or any other gameplay modifications
Zoom module/FOV changers
CPS and reach counters that ONLY DISPLAY your current CPS, or reach, values
Hitbox outlines (NOT HIT EXPANDER)
Armor HUD(for yourself only)
Mods from Lunar client
Mods from Onix client
Mods from Astral client
Any modification used that is not in the list above is an immediate bannable offense.
Spamming/flooding: sending many messages with intent to annoy, or be malicious.
Swearing/Offensive language
Inappropriate chat and actions: may include, but are not limited to, sexual language, drugs and conversations about topics not appropriate for a public server.
Impersonation of a Staff or moderator
DDoS Threats or organizational cyber security threats
Player cyber security threats: exposure, encouragement, or attempts to steal account information or any other form of private information is strictly prohibited.
Advertisements of other networks: this does not include YouTube or Discord media.
Skins and Gamertags
We acknowledge that these actions below are part of the vanilla Minecraft experience, and that players have the option to do so without punishment from the service provider, but Cartax strives to be a community where all can be comfortable. In turn, they are a punishable occurrence.
of a sexual nature.
that have offensive text, or symbols.
that represent known offensive discriminatory groups, or organizations.
that have explicit wording, such as swearing and sexual language.
that portray symbols that are known to be from discriminatory groups, or that are offensive in nature.
attached to an account with a graphic Xbox live picture with content that would rate above a PG-13 rating.
Let’s work together to make our server a fun, comfortable, place to play! So don’t do the following punishable actions in the specific type of game modes:
PvP Minigames:
Purposefully sabotage your own team’s chances of winning in any way.
Form alliances to gain a winning edge over other players/teams.
Use of bugs/glitches to gain a winning edge over other players/teams, destroy the map, and/or negatively affect other players’ experiences.
Spawn killing.
Other Game Modes:
Building of inappropriate objects: these may include, but are not limited to sexual statues, symbols/words known to be offensive, references to known discriminatory groups, recreation of tragic events in history, and harassment to players.
Use of bugs/glitches to duplicate items, destroy the map, and/or negatively affect other players’ experiences.
Spawn killing.
If your account has been locked/banned, and you do not believe you broke any of the rules above, please submit an appeal form.
Proudly made by Cartax
© Cartax Limited 2024